Curriculum Study - Textbook Adoption
- Begin curriculum study/textbook adoption research
- Appoint chairperson, Admin., & staff to curriculum study committee
- Seek and address parent/community input
- Review student ITBS, ISAT, PSAE/ACT and local assessment results
- Organize information which pertains to needs, current strengths, and areas needing improvement
- Research content on best practice which relates to area being studied by utilizing the following:
- internet
- use KIDS/university professors
- educational journals/articles
- outside speakers, regarding best practice, etc.
- site visits to observe for best practice and textbook series already implemented
- Update all staff by providing copies of minutes, journal articles, presentations, etc.
- Preview of recommended series and classroom materials
- Provide updates to the Board during Academic Committee meetings
- Invite publishers to present recommended series' & classroom materials
- Continue to review proposed materials
- Discuss whether the materials allow the staff and students to capitalize on strengths
- Discuss whether the materials address areas needing improvements
- Continue to make site visits and schedule presentations which relate to best practice
- Discuss assessment plans for the implementation phase to measure student growth i.e. pre/post tests, other, etc. - teacher made or standardized
- By January 1, vote/reach consensus on textbook series to be recommended for Board adoption.
- Through newsletters and fliers announce recommended adoption to staff and parents; when series will be on Board agenda for adoption.
- Begin planning stages of ongoing staff development and training
- Spring/summer sessions to prepare staff to implement
- On-going sessions throughout year
- No later than the Regular February Board meeting, recommend board approval of textbook series adoption for following years implementation.
- Beginning in March, discuss and implement staff development opportunities
- visits
- speakers
- utilize early release and teacher institute days
- after school study groups
- Budget for textbooks, materials, staff development - utilize free textbook loan program
- Determine pre-post assessments system
- Implement series
- Survey staff and parents to monitor progress of newly adopted series
- Collect survey results and discuss ways to "fine-tune" implementation.
- Monitor Staff Development program
- By December, report implementation progress to the Board of Education
- Report data result
- Collect assessment-pre-post data for presentation
- Review midway results 1st year