
Curriculum Study Cycle

The following study cycle has been established to review the district's curriculum:

2016-2017 - Social Science/Foreign Language
2017-2018 - Reading/Language Arts
2018-2019 - P.E./Health/Drivers Ed/Fine Arts/CTE
2019-2020 - Math
2020-2021 - Science

The district will continue to monitor, research, and refine our curriculum and its alignment with the Common Core standards on an on-going basis.

Technology will be included during each and every phase of the curriculum study cycle. The Technology integration plan was reviewed and revised in 2014 and is a three (3) year plan.

Horizontal and Vertical Articulation

Horizontal articulation encompasses two separate areas. First it involves the arrangement of content across the curriculum. Examples of this might include an integrated curriculum such as relating mathematic content to a science project, or using a social studies story in a reading lesson. Secondly, it involves the coordination of the program of all teachers at a certain grade level or curriculum area. Examples of this would include, all kindergarten teachers meeting to coordinate the program and activities, or all high school algebra teachers meeting to coordinate the content. As we work horizontally we are looking within the same grade level across the district.

Vertical articulation also encompasses two separate areas. First it addresses the placement of curriculum elements from one grade to the next, or from the beginning of one grade level to the end of that grade level. Examples of this might include sequential mathematics skills. You need to learn how to add before you can understand multiplication as repeated addition. Basic skills need to be covered before advance skills can be taught and learned. It also insures that there are no learning gaps in the K-12 curriculum. Secondly it involves the planning of curriculum across grade levels. Teachers of 8th grade students need to coordinate content with high school teachers as well as K-3 teachers coordinating with 4th and 5th grade teachers. As we work vertically we are moving between the grade levels with curriculum content.

Grade Level Pacing Guides

All ELA (English, Language Arts) pacing guides are under construction due to our reading pilot that is currently taking place.

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